Extending Form API

After working through this guide, you will have learned:

  • how to create custom PHP based Form Element implementations
  • how to create a custom Form Element renderer

Generally, this guide answers the question: How can the form output be modified with programming?

Custom PHP-based Form Elements

In the previous guides you have learned how to create custom Form Elements without writing a single line of PHP. While this is sufficient for most cases where you mainly want to change the visual representation or create a specialized version of an already existing element, there are situations where you want to adjust the Server-side behavior of an element. This is where you want to get your hands dirty and create custom Form Element implementations. Examples for such custom Form Elements are:

  • A DatePicker that converts the input to a DateTime object
  • A File upload that validates and converts an uploaded file to a Resource
  • A Captcha image

A Form Element must implement the FormElementInterface interface located in TYPO3.Form/Classes/Core/Model/FormElementInterface.php.


Usually you want to extend the provided AbstractFormElement which already implements most of the methods of the interface.

Most commonly you create custom Form elements in order to preconfigure the so called Processing Rule which defines validation and property mapping instructions for an element. Lets have a look at the DatePicker Form Element located in TYPO3.Form/Classes/FormElements/DatePicker.php:

class DatePicker extends \TYPO3\Form\Core\Model\AbstractFormElement {
   public function initializeFormElement() {

The method initializeFormElement() is called whenever a Form Element is added to a form. In this example, we only set the target data type to a DateTime object. This way, property mapping and type conversion using the registered TypeConverters is automatically triggered.

Besides being able to modify the Form Element configuration during initialization you can also implement the callbacks beforeRendering() or/and onSubmit() in order to adjust the behavior or representation of the element at runtime. Lets create a new Form Element that is required only if another form field has been specified (for example a “subscribe to newsletter” checkbox that requires you to provide an email address if checked). For this create a new PHP class at Your.Package/Classes/FormElements/ConditionalRequired.php:

namespace Your\Package\FormElements;

class ConditionalRequired extends \TYPO3\Form\Core\Model\AbstractFormElement {

    * Executed before the current element is outputted to the client
    * @param \TYPO3\Form\Core\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime
    * @return void
   public function beforeRendering(\TYPO3\Form\Core\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime) {

    * Executed after the page containing the current element has been submitted
    * @param \TYPO3\Form\Core\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime
    * @param mixed $elementValue raw value of the submitted element
    * @return void
   public function onSubmit(\TYPO3\Form\Core\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime, &$elementValue) {

    * Adds a NotEmptyValidator to the current element if the "trigger" value is not empty.
    * The trigger can be configured with $this->properties['triggerPropertyPath']
    * @param \TYPO3\Form\Core\Runtime\FormState $formState
    * @return void
   protected function requireIfTriggerIsSet(\TYPO3\Form\Core\Runtime\FormState $formState) {
      if (!isset($this->properties['triggerPropertyPath'])) {
      $triggerValue = $formState->getFormValue($this->properties['triggerPropertyPath']);
      if ($triggerValue === NULL || $triggerValue === '') {
      $this->addValidator(new \TYPO3\Flow\Validation\Validator\NotEmptyValidator());

beforeRendering() is invoked just before a Form Element is actually outputted to the client. It receives a reference to the current FormRuntime making it possible to access previously submitted values.

onSubmit() is called whenever the page containing the current Form Element is submitted. to the server. In addition to the FormRuntime this callback also gets passed a reference to the raw value of the submitted element value before property mapping and validation rules were applied.

In order to use the new Form Element type you first have to extend the Form Definition and specify the implementationClassName option:

        # ...
              'TYPO3.Form:FormElement': TRUE
            implementationClassName: 'TYPO3\FormExample\FormElements\ConditionalRequired'
              templatePathPattern: 'resource://TYPO3.Form/Private/Form/SingleLineText.html'

This makes the new Form Element TYPO3.FormExample:ConditionalRequired available in the preset somePreset and you can use it as follows:

$form = new FormDefinition('myForm', $formDefaults);

$page1 = $form->createPage('page1');

$newsletter = $page1->createElement('newsletter', 'TYPO3.Form:Checkbox');
$newsletter->setLabel('Subscribe for Newsletter');

$email = $page1->createElement('email', 'TYPO3.FormExample:ConditionalRequired');
$email->setProperty('triggerPropertyPath', 'newsletter');

The line $email->setProperty('triggerPropertyPath', 'newsletter'); makes the email Form Element required depending on the value of the newsletter element.

This example is really simple but it demonstrates how you can profoundly interact with the Form handling at every level.

Custom Form Element Renderers

By default a form and all its elements are rendered with the FluidFormRenderer which is a specialized version of the Fluid TemplateView. For each renderable Form Element there exists an corresponding Fluid template. The template path can be changed for all or specific Form Elements as well as layout and partial paths, so the default renderer is flexible enough to cover most scenarios. However if you want to use your own templating engine or don’t want to render HTML forms at all (think of Flash or CLI based forms) you can implement your own Renderer and use it either for the complete form or for certain Form Elements.

As a basic example we want to implement a ListRenderer that simply outputs specified items as unordered list. A Form Element Renderer must implement the RendererInterface interface located in TYPO3.Form/Classes/Core/Renderer/RendererInterface.php and usually you want to extend the provided AbstractRenderer which already implements most of the methods of the interface:

namespace Your\Package\Renderers;

class ListRenderer extends \TYPO3\Form\Core\Renderer\AbstractElementRenderer {

    * @param \TYPO3\Form\Core\Model\Renderable\RootRenderableInterface $renderable
    * @return string
   public function renderRenderable(\TYPO3\Form\Core\Model\Renderable\RootRenderableInterface $renderable) {
      $items = array();
      if ($renderable instanceof \TYPO3\Form\Core\Model\FormElementInterface) {
         $elementProperties = $renderable->getProperties();
         if (isset($elementProperties['items'])) {
            $items = $elementProperties['items'];
      $content = sprintf('<h3>%s</h3>', htmlspecialchars($renderable->getLabel()));
      $content .= '<ul>';
      foreach ($items as $item) {
         $content .= sprintf('<li>%s</li>', htmlspecialchars($item));
      $content .= '</ul>';
      return $content;


If you write your own Renderer make sure to sanitize values with htmlspecialchars() before outputting them to prevent invalid HTML and XSS vulnerabilities.